Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Day Is Complete!

We got Kristine to her room in ICU around 9:30pm and she is doing incredibly well. She is awake, but often dozes off for a few minutes at a time. She's cracking jokes and is eager to get home. She'll be in ICU for likely 48 hours as they need to monitor the TRAM flap hourly to ensure good circulation throughout the newly located tissue. The nurses already told he she won't get much sleep tonight as they will be in and out on a regular basis.

All-in-all Kristine came through this day with flying colors. I continue to be amazed by her determination, courage and positive attitude through this entire journey - she is truly my inspiration!!!

I'm off to get some sleep and will be visiting her tomorrow AM after I drop off Annierae at school.

Once again, thanks to all who are praying for her - it's really working!

-- Greg


  1. Greg-
    Please give my Kristine a hug from me and tell her I love her and that I am so proud of her.
    Julie Goodyke

  2. God is soooooooooooo good! So thankful to hear the great news!
    Love, Julie Cole

  3. Greg,
    Thanks for all of the updates. I look hear many times throughout the day as I can't stop thinking about Kris, and all of you and what you are going through.
    I'm glad to hear the surgery went so well.
    Sue V.

  4. Greg
    Great news! Thanks for the update! Hope you both get a little rest today. You are both awesome!


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