Wednesday, March 18, 2009

One Down - Fifteen to Go!

Kristine celebrated her birthday today by spending most of the day at the Lemmen-Holton Cancer Pavilion. This was her first chemo treatment and things went pretty well. She began at 10:00am in the morning, but didn't get any of the heavy-duty concoctions until after noon. She wrapped up and was home by early evening. She said she felt great during the treatment. Once she came home she was pretty tired, so she took a nap. When she woke up, she was feeling a bit nauseous and drained. Had a couple bites of Chinese take-out (Annierae's choice for birthday dinner) then she and I went for a little walk to see if that helped her feel better. Indeed, the cool air and movement seemed to settle her stomach and re energize her. So now she's planning on taking some good drugs to help her tummy and knock her out. So our party girl will likely be in bed by the time I get done with this post. Thank you to everyone that stopped up to see her during her chemo, called, or sent cards - Kristine really appreciated it!

More later this week.

-- Greg

1 comment:

  1. Kristine - Hang in there. I've been told to use the second treatment as a bellwether of the subsequent sessions. There is a plateau and your body will adjust to the influx of medication. I have found that if you start to feel bad during the drips, have the nurse slow it down a little. I figure that my day is a bust anyway...what's a few more minutes.


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