Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Praise God - the drains came out today!!!

I feel like a whole new woman, or at least part of a new woman :) (that's my lame attempt at humor).

In any case, tomorrow morning I am scheduled for surgery to have my port put in to administer the chemotherapy. I have been told that I won't like it at first, but will be grateful in the end because they won't have to poke a vein every week. The procedure begins at 9:00am and I should be home a little after noon.

Currently the plan is to start my chemotherapy on March 18th (my 42nd Birthday). The first two months I will receive the chemo every other week followed by three months of chemo every week. Ja and I counted the days on the calendar and we expect all my hair to be gone by March 28th. I think this will truly be the hardest part; after all, my big hair has always been my trademark. So I just keep chanting my new mantra "bald is beautiful"! We'll see how well that works.

Good news is that I may not need radiation. Dr. Lange said she was surprised that only two of my lymph nodes were positive, and since my margins were clean I am in a grey area that could push me either way with the radiation. I will meet with the radiologist next week to discuss my options.

Once again, thank you all for your love, support and prayers. I am so blessed to have all of you in my life!!!



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